Residential Platform/Wheelchair Lifts
Vertical and inclined wheelchair lifts make it possible for you to live an active and independent lifestyle both inside and away from your home.
Designed to carry a wheelchair user from one level to another, vertical lifts travel from heights of just a few inches, up to fourteen feet and inclined wheelchair lifts can exceed fourteen feet. This makes them a safe and secure solution for access to an exterior porch or to interior floors within your home.
Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, the simplicity, cost and space efficiency of vertical lifts makes them an excellent alternative to elevators and ramps.
Our wheelchair lifts are of excellent quality, engineered and built to last; Home Elevator of Texas vertical lifts install quickly and easily, often with no building modifications.
Home Elevator of Texas offers a vast array of versatile designs to blend with your home decor and exterior surroundings that can be installed either freestanding or in a hoist way.
If you are a home owner, an architect, contractor, specifier or building owner, Home Elevator of Texas can help you determine the best model of platform wheelchair lift for your application.